Monday 22 February 2010

Second lesson thriller

In the second lesson in Miss Dughan's lesson we watched a thriller type film to get us to understand what a thriller is like and how to make the opening sequence to a thriller type film. This also helped me as I saw how the opening sequence was made to the film and how I can't give much away in the film but keep the viewers enticed into watching more of the film.

First lesson Thriller

For the first lesson of our thriller we all sat down as a class with Mr Mitchell and learnt what a thriller was all about. We watched a few clips of an opening sequence of a film to give us some ideas of what to do but also to know how to do the clip we are going to make. This helped me a lot as it told me a lot more than I knew about thrillers and with Mr Mitchell's help I now know a lot more about thrillers and what I can do in the opening sequence for my project.

Friday 5 February 2010

Fifth lesson Pre-liminary task

In our fifth lesson we had re-filmed all of the sequences and we came to transferring the sequence onto the computer so we could use Adobe Premier Pro CS4 to edit our final piece. We came to this and again we had problems transferring the piece to the computer. It was the same problem, however Miss Dughan helped us out and eventually we got it onto the computer so we could finally edit it. We went through our clips and then finally chose our best shots and then came up with this final piece. Overall I think that if we had not had all of the problems that we had to overcome due to the technology problems we would have finished the piece sooner. I think that we completed the task well and we sorted out the problems as best as we could. It was hard at first to sort the problems out but when we figured them out we got around them with realative ease in the end. We all did as much work as eachother all of us had some sort of input into the task and we all did what we needed to do. This was a good task as it showed me what problems that could occur during the real task and this will help me learn from my mistakes during the task.
This is our final video.

Monday 1 February 2010

Fourth lesson pre-liminary task

In Mr Mitchell's lesson we came into the lesson and we attempted to put the video onto the computer so our group could edit our final task. However when we put the tape in the machine to get the video onto the computer so we could start editing the video,we experienced a problem that set us back 40 minutes. The video wouldn't transfer to the computer and when it came up onto the computer the video wouldn't play it would just be a black screen and showing the occasional clip but not what we had recorded. This therefore put us back 40 minutes and we couldn't find a solution to the problem so we had to go and re film the whole task. We used a different tape to the one that we used before. We refilmed the task and we did it within our 2 hour lesson but still at the end didn't have enough time to edit our task and put it on the computer so we could edit.

Third lesson pre-liminary task

In the third lesson with Miss Dughan me and my group got to the filming stage of the pre-liminary task. We found a room that we thought was suitable for our task and then sorted out the equipment we were going to use. Sony camera, tri-pod, table, a tape and 2 chairs. We needed to set up the white balance of the camera for every room we went in that we were going to record and shoot the video in. We filmed the video in 16:9 widescreen.
The shooting of the film was to be done by me, and the acting done by Tom and Alex. We started off by getting Alex to burst through a door with the camera starting on 1 side of the door then switching to the other side so we got a view from each side. Then I filmed Alex walking towards Tom who is sat down. Then I filmed Alex and Tom exchange words with a few different angled shots... The shots we used were, long shot, mid shot and an over the shoulder shot. We had a few problems with the tri-pod as the top of the tri-pod had snapped off but then we went to Miss dughan and got another tri-pod that did work. We used these to good effect when shooting the video. We had just finished shooting by the time the lesson had ended so we didn't have time to get the film onto the computer.
I shot all of the shootings twice or more so that we could pick and choose the best ones that we felt would fit for the editing stage of the preliminary task.