Friday 23 April 2010

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The usual audience for a thriller is quite wide ranged and from both genders. However for my thriller I feel a suitable audience would be for the 18 to 25 year old of both genders as the film is all about a stalker trying to catch someone throughout the film it appeals to both genders in different areas. As the film has a lot of twists and turns during the film I believe that this will be a film forthe more intellectual people but also for people who enjoy thriller films as it is a thriller but with more conventions.
This thriller film will entice both sets of genders as it is a good thriller for both sets as it has a lot of drama and excitement without targeting a specific gender. It targets the male audience in the way that it is a stalker trying to catch someone and there is more violence in the film. But then it also targets the female gender in the sex appeal as there are scenes in the film that have males without their tops on. This film targets both genders in a way that it can being the two genders together to watch a thriller movie with both genders liking the film.

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